1. Direct Fabrication of 2D Lateral P-N Junction Diode via CVD Purbasha Ray, Rupali Verma, Biswajeet Nayak, Suman Kumar Chakraborty, Praveen Kumar, Mayank Shrivastava, Prasana K. Sahoo
2. Effect of SiOx deposition temperature on RRAM behavior in memristors Sourodeep Roy, Bhaswar Chakrabarti, and Enakshi Bhattacharya
3. Layered semimetal electrodes for future CMOS based heterogeneous electronics Bubunu Biswal, R Rajarapu, S Poudyal, R Yadav, PK Barman, B. R. K. Nanda, Abhishek Misra
Day Two (15 December, 2023)
1. First Demonstration of Active Embedded Microfluidic Cooling in β-Ga2O3 Utilizing Laser Etching Technology Shonkho Shuvro, Roopa Jayaramaiah, Muralidharan Rangarajan, Digbijoy Neelim Nath, and Prosenjit Sen
2. Device Engineering of Blue TADF OLEDs with External Quantum Efficiency ~21% Manas Misra, Gangadhar Banappanavar, Nrita Gaur, Dinesh Kabra
3. AlGaN/GaN based Solar/Visible blind UV Photodetectors P. Pal, U. Singh, B. Bhardwaj, A. Kaur, S. Suihkonen, D. Kabra, S. Dhar, A. Laha and S. Mahapatra
Day Three (16 December, 2023)
1. Solution processed oxide nanowire based TFTs for high-performance paper electronics Mohammed Hadhi, Jyoti Ranjan Pradhan, Sandeep Kumar Mondal, and Subho Dasgupta
2. An organic ultra-fast nanogap-based humidity sensor Mandal, Mazo Mantilla, Loganathan, Faber, Sharma, Gedda, Yengel, Kumar Goswami, D. Anthopoulos
3. UV-Ozone treatment: An effective way of enhancing the work function of V2Ox films Rahul, Juhi Kumari, Jaishree Bhardwaj and Pratima Agarwal